Queens University Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Queen's University Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships

Areas of Study :
Engineering , Science, Innovation and Technology
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
Queen's University Belfast
Provided to :
Talented Indian students at Queen's University

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Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Scholarships

Queen's University Belfast, one of the UK's top research intensive universities, has launched the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships for talented Indian students. The first of its kind scheme, the scholarship named after the former President of India, aims to offer an opportunity to students to upgrade their knowledge and use it after coming back to their own country. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam scholarships worth up to £2,500 ($4,000 approx) are given to 100 students who wish to enroll in postgraduate engineering , science, innovation and technology programmes at Queen's University.

Bagging the scholarship would also mean other advantages for Indian students. They will also have the benefit of studying at one of the UK's leading science and engineering universities. This will enhance their soft skills as well as employability skills. They will have the experience of studying in a different culture and working closely with industry.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships are offered for the courses such as Creative Arts, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Planning, Electronics, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at post graduate level.


To be eligible for Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships, the candidates must

  • Be an Indian citizeb and be eligible to pay overseas tuition fees (non EU).
  • Demonstrate outstanding academic achievement in their studies.
  • Be pursuing postgraduate taught or postgraduate research programmes within the named Schools.
  • Not be in receipt of any other Queen's University Belfast scholarship or tuition fee reduction.
  • Be able to finance the remainder of their tuition fees and living expenses.
  • Scholarship awards will be deducted from the tuition fees payable to Queen's upon enrolment and will be payable in pounds sterling.


Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarships are offered for the postgraduate courses in the following Schools from Queen's University.

  • School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
    - MSc in Chemical Research
    - MSc in Chemical Biology
    - MSc in Process Engineering
  • School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    - MSc Advanced Wireless Communications
    - MSc Electronics
    - MSc Telecommunications
    - MSc Educational Multimedia
    - MSc Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems
    - MSc Software Development
  • School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    - MSc Polymer Engineering
    - MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
    - MArch Architecture
    - MSc Construction and Project Management
    - MSc Durability of Structures
    - MSc Environmental Engineering
    - MSc Environmental Planning
    - MSc Spatial Regeneration
    - MSc Sustainable Design
    - MSc Urban and Rural Design
    - MSc Water Resources Management
  • School of Creative Arts
    - MA in Sonic Arts (NB. Only postgraduate research programmes in the subject area of Sonic Arts will be eligible within this School.)
Application Procedure

One can apply for Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship on official website of Queen's University. There is no need to make a separate scholarship application. All eligible candidates will be considered on the basis of their course/ programme online application. Early application will increase the chances of candidates being awarded a scholarship.

Full information about the scholarship will be sent by the Admissions and Access Service to eligible candidates with their conditional or unconditional offer letter. Candidates with an unconditional offer must accept their offer online as indicated in their offer letter, and pay a deposit of £2,000 within one month of receiving their offer. Candidates with a conditional offer must accept their offer online as indicated in their offer letter, then inform the Admissions and Access Service (intl.student@qub.ac.uk) when they have met the condition(s) of their offer. Applicants should scan and email evidence of their academic and/or English Language qualifications to the Admissions and Access Service, and pay a deposit of £2,000 within one month of meeting the condition(s) of their offer.

Once the deposit has been confirmed as received by the Queen's Income and Student Finance Department, an award letter will be sent to successful candidates by the International Office. Please allow approximately one week for the bank transfer to take place.

Important Dates

Last Date for applying to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship is usually at the end of July.

Contact Details

Queen's University Belfast,
University Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1NN
Phone Number: +44 (0) 28 90245133
Website: www.qub.ac.uk

   UK scholarship , UK education , pg scholarships abroad

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