Airports Authority of India (AAI) Sports Scholarship Scheme
Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Airports Authority of India (AAI) Sports Scholarship Scheme

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Areas of Study :
Level :
Sports Scholarship
Scholarship Funded by :
AAI Airports Authority of India
Provided to :
Promising young players with a view to enhancing sporting standards in AAI

Airports Authority of India offers Sports Scholarship Scheme For Outstanding Sportspersons. The objective of this scheme is to award Airports Authority of India (AAI) Sports Scholarships to promising young players with a view to enhancing sporting standards in AAI as also encouraging young talent.


The scholarship will be given initially upto 31st March of next year which is extendable based on the individual’s performance/improvement in his/her event.

Scholarship Amount:

This year the number of scholarships will not exceed 85 for open category and 15 for Wards of employees of Airports Authority of India

The amount of scholarships to be granted to the awardees will be as under :
- Over 14 years and under 18 years: Rs.12,000/-per month.
- Over 18 years: Rs.16,000/-per month

Eligibility Criteria

There will be two categories of scholarship : 'Elite Scholar' and 'Scholar'. 

Elite Scholar: Representing the country in team games or national ranking in individual games between 1-5 Junior or Sub-Junior and quarter-finalist of national championship in individual games. 

Scholar : Representing the state team in team games or national ranking in individual games between 6 to 10 Junior or Sub-Junior and quarter-finalist of national championship in individual games. 

Age: The Scholarship will be given to the players over 14 years (as on 1st april of current year)

Scholarships Conditions

Selection Procedure:

All applications received within the stipulated time shall be considered by a committee duly constituted by the President, Airports Authority of India Sports Control Board. Cases of talented sports persons who are not students may also be taken into consideration for award of scholarships subject to their meeting all requirements and verification/certification by the Secretary of the concerned State Federation/National Federation. Cases of special merit not covered under the above conditions may be considered with the approval of Chairman, AAI.

How to Apply

The duly completed & signed application should be sent in prescribed format along with requisite enclosures in an envelope (13.5 x 9.5 inches) should be superscribed in bold letter with “AAI Sports Scholarship Scheme (specify current year)” on the top left corner of outer envelope to the undermentioned address so as to reach latest by last date of application

Contact Details

Shri G L Verma,
Assistant General Manager(HR) &
Secretary, AAI Sports Control Board,
Airports Authority of India,
A Wing, Room No. 120,
Safdarjung Airport, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,
New Delhi-110003.
Ph : 91-11-24632950

   sports scholarship , aai , scholarship by sports control board

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