UK Education Eng. Depart. : Univeristy of Exeter - School of EngineeringLocation : University of Exeter is situated in the beautiful South-West of England. It is only 21/2 hours from London by train. International Students : Every year the university welcomes about 200 international students from around the world. Courses : The school of Engineering provides a unified, modular programme offering degrees in Civil; Electronic; Mechanical Engineering; Engineering and Management. Accommodation : The university has a high quality residential accommodation all within walking distance of the main campus .The International Office provides welfare facilities and the Accommodation Office guarantees places in a variety of university residences all on or near the campus. Note : Exeter is one of the most popular universities in UK with a fine academic reputation. Other Details : They are numerous research project in progress. The research facilities of the school includes systems and control engineering, computational fluid dynamic, medical electronics, advanced material technology, expert systems and electro chemicals engineering. Scholarships are awarded competitively to high quality candidates by the university and the school of engineering. Contact :The Admissions Assistant,