UK Education Eng. Depart. : Loughborough University - Faculty of EngineeringLocation :The campus is situated in the Beautiful national forest of England on the outskirts of Loughbough Town. East midland International airport is only 8 miles away and London is one and a half hours away by train. International Students : There will a special induction programme to welcome the international students to Loughbough. Through out their studies English language classes and specialist advises are available . International students association and many national societies organizes excellent social programmes through out the year. Accommodation : The undergraduate can live in halls for at least two years. University offers over 3000 rooms in shared and self contained properties. Note : Loughbough is one of the largest and most established engineering faculties in Britian. Other Details :The campus has the most extensive leisure facilities, which include a high-tech fitness center, a huge indoor tennis complex and sports hall, swimming pool, dance center, numerous indoor and outdoor pitches. The students union is one of the most active in Britain. Contact : Engineering Recruitment Officer,