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APTIS : Scoring

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Candidate performance in each skill is mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). An Aptis candidate will receive a score on a numerical scale (0 to 50) for the grammar and vocabulary section, and a score on a numerical scale (0 – 50) and CEFR level (A1 – C) for each skill they take. This will make up the candidate’s profile of language proficiency. This approach to scoring has the affect of giving a very accurate indication of a candidate’s ability. More accurate results help you to achieve increasingly effective and focused English training and recruitment.

It also ensures standards can be raised and maintained at personal, organisational and regional levels. Aptis also ensures fairness of marking by having the same markers focus on specific tasks, rather than on whole test results. This has significant benefits for the test integrity, as it stops contamination of the marking, and markers are not influenced by how a candidate has performed in previous tasks (known as the Halo Effect). This also improves the speed at which an examiner can mark, keeping costs low.

For more details www.britishcouncil.org/exams/aptis

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