This examination is held twice a year as advertised in the Employment News and other leading newspapers.
Eligibility Conditions: Male unmarried Indian citizens are eligible.
Educational Qualifications: Matric or equivalent with 55% or above marks in Science and Math's. Candidates having less than 55% marks in Matric are also eligible provided they have got 55% or above marks in any higher board examination with Science and Math's.
Age Limits: 17-20 years on the 1 st January or 1 st August of the year of examination.
Physical Standards: Weight correlated to height and proportionate
chest with minimum expansion of 5 cms. Good medical and physical health,
free from any disease/disability. No cardio-vascular, surgical deformities
or infection of ear. No history of fits or psychiatric ailment.
Minimum height: 157 cm
Minimum eye standard: Without glasses better eye 6/6 and worse 6/9
Color perception: CP II
Probation: Two years
Application Procedure: The eligible candidates may complete the application form as per format given in the Employment News on a plain paper either handwritten or typed. The application duly completed should be sent to the concerned Zonal Recruitment Offices by the prescribed date.
Other Benefits:
Selection Procedure:
The subjects of written test are
(i) English
(ii) Science
(iii) Mathematics
(iv) General Knowledge
English: Comprehension, Transformation of simple sentences, Punctuation, Tenses and Parts of Speech.
Science: State of Matter, Universe, Chemical Bonding, Electricity, Gravitation, Newton's Laws, Simple Harmonic Motion, Work and Energy, Heat, Light, Nuclear Energy, Metals and Nonmetals, Carbon and its compounds. Health and Nutrition, Physiology.
Mathematics: Algebraic identities, Surds, Linear and Simultaneous equations, Trigonometry and Geometry, Mensuration, Quadratic equations, Set theory, Polynomials and Exponents.
General Knowledge: Who's Who, Sports, Entertainment, Indian History and Geography, Discoveries and Inventions, Elementary knowledge of Computers.
The question paper will be bilingual and of objective-type and of one hour duration. Candidates are required to qualify in each Section. The standard of question paper will be that of matriculation level. Those who qualify written test will undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and those who qualify PFT will undergo medical test.
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