ISAT Admission Test (IIST, Thiruvananthapuram)
Monday, February 17, 2025
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ISAT Admission Test : Examination and Application Procedure

Conducted by IIST (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology), Thiruvanathapuram
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Admission to the Undergraduate Programmes (B.Tech) at the institute are made through IIST Admission Test (ISAT).

The examination consists of two papers, Paper I and Paper II, each of two hours duration. Both the question papers will be of objective type and will consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The answer for each question is to be recorded on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet of paper. The candidate is expected to choose the correct answer options and record his/her response by darkening the appropriate bubble using hard black (HB) pencils only. Marking more than one answer for any given question will render the response invalid. Correct answers will be awarded three marks each. Every incorrect answer will be awarded one negative mark.

Application :

The candidates can apply on-line only. The online application form will be available in the IIST website. Download a copy of the brochure from ISAT homepage and read the brochure carefully before applying.

The application procedure requires the candidate's valid email id. Please keep the email id live and secure till the end of the admission process. A password will be sent to the candidate's registered email address after the candidate successfully completes the ISAT registration. The candidate is requested not to delete the email which has the login id and password information. Using the login id and password, the candidate will have to fill up the 'ISAT APPLICATION FORM', available online. Before submitting the online application form, keep the Demand Draft towards Examination Fee, ready.

Candidates have to note down the ISAT Registration Number made available after online submission of application and quote the same for all future correspondences with IIST. On the successful online submission of Application, the candidate will be asked to print "ISAT ADMIT CARD" and the "APPLICATION FORM".

The candidate must affix one recent passport size colour photograph on the ISAT ADMIT CARD. The photograph and signature should be duly attested with office seal either by the Principal of the School last attended or a Gazetted Officer. The candidate also has to affix an identical photograph (unattested) in the "APPLICATION FORM" and duly sign in the space provided.

The candidate will receive a Hall Ticket from IIST with the assigned Roll Number, details of the allotted Test Centre and other relevant information. The candidates are required to bring the Hall Ticket for the ISAT examination, without fail. No acknowledgement card will be sent to the candidates.

Ranking :

Only those candidates who write both Paper-I and Paper-II of ISAT will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Physics in ISAT will be equal to marks in Physics section of Paper-I plus marks in Physics section of Paper-II. Similar procedure will be followed for Chemistry and Mathematics. The sum of the marks obtained in the three subjects in ISAT will be the aggregate mark for the candidate.

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