West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE)
Thursday, February 13, 2025
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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) : Introduction

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The West Bengal joint Entrance Examinations Board was formed as west Bengal Board of Examination for Admission to Engineering Degree Colleges in the year 1962, born out of a concept of holding a common admission test for the Engineering colleges of the State of West Bengal. The basic purpose was to select candidates for consideration for admission to the State Colleges on the basis of the results of a single competitive examination, which would also lead to saving of time, energy and expenditure on the part of the candidates in appearing at number of entrance tests.

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) is the entrance test held by the West Bengal Board of Examination for admission to different degree level courses in Engineering & 
Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Government Colleges as well as Self Financing Technological Institutes in West Bengal.

The application for WBJEE will be received ONLINE and the FORM is available at the portal of the Board at http://www.wbjeeb.nic.in. In WBJEE Examination, candidates need to appear in 3 (three) papers in the form of written test, to be conducted physically at various Examination Centres with Pen and Paper i.e. as OFFLINE Examination. The subjects will be: i) Mathematics, ii) Physics & iii) Chemistry.

WBJEE Contact Details

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
AQ-13/1, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091 
Phone : (033) 23671198
Tollfree Helpline Number: 1800 345 0050
E-Mail : Contact I
website : wbjeeb.nic.in/

   engineering entrance , west bengal

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