Sugar Technology
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Sugar Technology as a Career

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Sugar Industry in India is the second largest agro industry and one of the largest employers. Sugar manufacturing is highly specialized and involves various biochemical processes. The science of sugar production/manufacturing comes under Sugar technology. Detailed study of techniques of production of sugar and understanding of sugar chemistry, technology involved in fermentation, processing etc comes under the head sugar technology. The field also covers studies about production of different quality of sugar used for various purposes.

Keen interest in Physics, Chemistry and Maths is a must to pursue a course in sugar technology. Bachelor, post graduate diploma and certificate courses are available. The minimum requirement for sugar technologists is a bachelor's degree in Sugar Technology, and those with plus two pure science are eligible to apply for the course. Research and college-level teaching positions generally require a master's or doctoral degree.

National Sugar Institute (NSI), Kanpur; Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Pune are some of the institutes that offer course in this subject area.  Apart from post graduate diploma and certificate courses, National Sugar Institute (NSI), Kanpur also offers 

ANSI (ST)- Associate ship of National Sugar Institute in Sugar Technology. It is of two and half academic years (Academic year is from 1st July to 31st May) duration. Eligibility is B.Sc. with Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics or Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering.
ANSI (SE)- Associate ship of National Sugar Institute in Sugar Engineering. It is of one and Half academic Years (Academic year is from1st July to 31st May) duration. Eligibility: Engineering Degree in Mechanical/ Production/ Electrical/ Instrumentation / Electronics or A.M.I.E. (from Institutions of Engineers, India).
Fellowships offered by National Sugar Institute include (i) F.N.S.I. in Sugar Technology/ Sugar Chemistry (ii) F.N.S.I. in Sugar Engineering (iii) F.N.S.I. in Fermentation Technology. Application for F.N.S.I. in Sugar Technology & Sugar Engineering should be sponsored by a sugar factory for carrying out the research pertaining to this course. Similarly, application for F.N.S.I. in Fermentation Technology should be sponsored by a distillery or brewery industry for carrying out the research work pertaining to this course.

Job prospects & Career Options

Sugar technologists have to work in the labs for long duration continuously during their masters degree or as part of the job. The job profiles you can opt for after completing your education in Sugar Technology include that of Sugar Engineers, Consultants, Researchers, Supervisors, Quality Analysts and so on. 

Sugar technologists can find jobs in sugar factories, non- alcoholic and alcoholic beverage production companies, sugar research laboratories and other food processing units. Job opportunities are open in various government and private sugar undertakings like IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited), NFCSF (National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories) etc. Organisations like SIEL Group, DSCL Group, Rana Sugars & Birla Group etc are the prime recruiters of students of sugar technology and related courses. SAB Millers, McDowell, India- Glycols, Pernod-Ricard are some of the distilleries that recruit those who have passed the Alcohol Technology courses from National Sugar Institute and similar ones. Teaching can also be another option for those who prefer specific hours of work rather than research work.


This field like many others offers a decent pay. Depending on ones qualification a beginner can earn Rs, 8000 to Rs, 10,000. With experience and advancement in position one can expect much more. Those who qualify from top institutes like NSI, Kanpur; VSI, Pune are offered placements with salary range from Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 3 lakhs per annum. At higher levels the pay may be  Rs 6-15 lakh p.a.

Sugar Technology Institutes in India

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