Emerald MSc Studentship at Kings College London
Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Emerald MSc Studentship at King's College London in UK

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Areas of Study :
Global Mental Health
Level :
Masters Degree
Scholarship Funded by :
King's College London
Provided to :
Students of Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Nepal, India and Ethiopia

King's College London is offering Emerald MSc studentship for students of Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Nepal, India and Ethiopia. The studentship is being awarded by the Emerald project in order to build capacity in mental health system delivery and performance in Emerald countries. Emerald project aims to improve mental health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries by generating the evidence and capacity to enhance health system performance, thereby providing more and better mental health care in these countries. It aims to do so by identifying the key health system barriers to, and the solutions for, the scaled-up delivery of mental health services in low- and middle-income countries, and by doing so may improve mental health outcomes in a fair and efficient way.

Scholarship Value

The overall value of MSc Studentship is £35860 (£22660 for fees + £13200 for living costs)

Field of Study

Global Mental Health at King’s College London


Applicants must have relevant professional experience in the field of public health. To be eligible for Emerald MSc Studentship, the applicant require :



For the details on the Global Mental Health Programme, Click here

Application Procedure

Applicants must complete:

   London education , Kings College London

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