K.C. Mahindra Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies
Friday, March 28, 2025
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K.C. Mahindra Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies : Introduction

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Areas of Study :
Post Graduate Studies 
Level :
Post Graduate Level
Scholarship Funded by :
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust 
Provided to :
Deserving Students

The K.C. Mahindra Education Trust was founded almost 60 years ago in 1953 to transform the lives of people in India through education and financial assistance across age groups and income strata. Since then, they have provided disadvantaged students with more than Rs. 424.2 million (USD 8.48 million) in grants, scholarships, and loans. The K.C. Mahindra Education Trust is a registered public Charitable Trust under the Bombay Trusts Act, 1950, and the Mahindra Group is the main donor to its investment portfolio

The K C Mahindra Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies Abroad is an interest free loan scholarship which is awarded to deserving graduates interested in pursuing their post graduate studies overseas. Initiated in 1956, preference is given to students interested in pursuing subjects which are not readily accessible in India and that are important to India's development, such as Bio-gas technology, water management, agricultural research, economics, naval and aviation science, electronics and other emerging areas related to science. In other to be eligible for scholarship candidates must possess a First Class Degree. The candidate must also have secured admission or at least have applied for admission to a reputable university or institution abroad at the time of submission of the application form.

Announcement of the scholarship is done at the month of January in leading newspapers throughout India. Short listed students are called for the final interviews which are held in July. At the time of the interview you should have secured admission into the institute. Currently the maximum amount awarded per scholarship is Rs.12 lakh . From last year, KCMET has also announced the KC Mahindra Fellows Fund where the 3 most deserving candidates selected for the above mentioned scholarship are awarded an interest free loan scholarship of Rs 8 lakh per scholar, based on merit and need. A maximum of Rs.4 lakh per scholar, awarded to remaining successful applicants

Eligibility criteria

Applicants for these scholarships are required to satisfy the following conditions:

They must possess a first year degree or an equivalent diploma of the same standard from a recognised Indian university.

They must have secured admission or have applied for admission in reputable foreign universities for courses commencing from September of the respective academic year but not later than February of the subsequent year.

Candidates studying in the final year of the degree or diploma courses are also eligible to apply provided they produce their Final Year Certificate before end June of the year of applying for scholarship.

Government and Quasi-Government Officers with a creditable academic record, going abroad for specialized qualifications are also eligible to apply.

How to Apply :

Application forms can be downloaded from the institute website http://www.kcmet.org. Application forms can also be collected from the office K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Near Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg, Mumbai – 400 001.The form needs to be printed on legal / full scape size paper and not A4 size paper.The duly filled application to be submitted in the prescribed format together with necessary enclosures and must reach the Trust Office before the last day of March 

The trust will shortlist the candidates based on their educational qualification and a prescribed application will be forwarded to short listed candidates. Duly filled prescribed applications together with necessary enclosures should reach the trust on or before 31st March. Based on this prescribed applications, candidates will be selected for final interview. The final interview of the selected candidates will be in the month of July, the interview dates will be intimated during the 3rd week of May.

For further queries please email Mr. Rodrigues on rodrigues.kieran@mahindra.com or call on (022) 22895526

Useful Contact

K.C Mahindra Education Trust
Cecil Court 3rd floor, near Regal Cinema
Mahakavi Bhushan Marg
Mumbai -400001
Telephone.: 022 22021031
Fax: 022 22852441
Website: www.kcmet.org

   pg scholarship abroad , scholarship for deserving Students

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