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Direct recruitment to the RPF shall be made at the level of Constables, Sub Inspector and Assistant Commandants and all other posts shall be filled in by promotion or through a limited departmental compensation from amongst the eligible enrolled members of the Force or by taking personnel on deputation in accordance with the rules.
The recruitment process of Railway Protection Force includes different stages like
Ineligibility :
No person-
(a) who is not a citizen of India, or
(b) who has entrusted into or contracted a marriage with a person having
a spouse living, or
(c) who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage
with any person,
Shall be eligible for appointment as member of the Force
The recruitment of SIs in RPF/ RPSF shall be made by a central Recruitment Committee consisting of four Chief Security Commissioners/ Addl CSC's nominated by the DG/ RPF.
Eligibility :
Category | Height- male (cms) |
Chest unexpanded- male (cms) |
Height- female (cms) |
UR/ OBC | 165 | 80 | 157 |
SC/ ST | 160 | 76.2 | 152 |
For Garhwalis, Gorkhas, Kumaonese, Dogras, Marathas; persons hailing from Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Ladakh, Kashmir Valley and North Eastern states subject to production of domicile certificate from the District magistrate/ SDM/ Tehsildar and other categories specified by Govt. from time to time. | 163 | 80 | 155 |
Recruitment Procedure :
The recruitment shall be held in three phases :
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Those who qualifies the eligibility criteria of will be put to a PET (Physical Efficiency Test ). 1500 mts being compulsory will be the first event to be conducted. Only those who qualify in 1500 mts race shall be measured for height and chest. The candidates who fulfill the prescribed physical standards relating to height and chest will be subjected to other Physical Efficiency Test.
The minimum qualification standards for male Candidates are :
Event | General | Ex. Servicemen | No. of Chances |
1600 m. race | 5 min. 40 sec. | 7 min | One |
200 m. race | 28 sec. | 35 sec. | One |
High Jump | 3 ft. 9 inch | 3ft | Two |
Broad Jump | 13 ft. | 11 ft. | Two |
Shot Put (Wt. 16 lbs) | 20 ft. | 17 ft. | Two |
Female Candidates have to qualify in both the events. The minimum qualification standards for female Candidates are :
400 m. race | 2 minute |
Long Jump | 8 ft. |
Candidates qualifying in PET will have to undergo Physical measurement.
Those who qualifies in Phase I shall be called for the written examination.
Written Examination
The 2 hour written test will consist of 120 multiple choice objective type questions. The question paper shall be of graduation standard with maximum marks of 120 and will be bilingual (English and Hindi). Four sets of question papers shall be prepared each having the same questions which shall be differently serial numbered. It will consist of questions in general intelligence, arithmetic, language and general awareness, each with 30 questions.
The Viva-Voce will carry 15 marks. The purpose of the interview will
be to evaluate the candidates general awareness, power of comprehension,
expression, personality, experience etc.
The candidates called for viva voce must have to produce their original
documents in support of their education, age, SC/ ST/ OBC status where
applicable, domicile and any other extra curricular activities (including
(NCC). Failure to produce the documents will lead to disqualification
of the candidate.
The recruitment of constables in RPF/ RPSF shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions contained in RPF rules, 1987 as amended from time to time at least once in two years. 10% of the vacancies shall be filled up by female candidates and 10% are reserved for ex-servicemen. Vacancies shall be notified to the local employment exchange/ central employment exchange , various national newspapers and the employment news/ rozgar samachar and also be placed on the website of Indian and Zonal Railways. The recruitment shall be conducted by a committee or committees each consisting of four senior scale/ JAG officers (one each belonging to UR, SC/ST, OBC and Minority Community)
The constable recruitment is conducted in groups of zones/ RPSF as under :
Group 1 | NR, NWR, NCR, NER, RPSF |
Group 2 | ECR, ER, SER, NFR, RPSF |
Group 3 | ECoR, SECR, WCR, WR, RPSF |
Group 4 | SR, SWR, SCR, CR, RPSF |
Eligibility :
Recruitment Procedure :
Selection process of the constables in RPF consists of :
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Those who qualifies the eligibility criteria of RPF will be put to a PET (Physical Efficiency Test ). The PET will consist of three events. No marks shall be awarded. It will be qualifying standard for each event specified as :
Event | Male | Female | No. of Chances |
1600 m. race | 5 min. 45 sec. | NA | One |
800 m. race | NA | 3 min. 40 sec. | One |
High Jump | 3 ft. 9 inch | 3ft | Two |
Long Jump | 14 ft. | 9 ft. | Two |
Candidates qualifying in PET will have to undergo Physical measurement as specified below :
Physical measurement
Category | Height- male (cms) |
Chest unexpanded- male (cms) |
Chest expanded- male (cms)* |
Height- female (cms) |
UR/ OBC | 165 | 80 | 85 | 157 |
SC/ ST | 160 | 76.2 | 81.2 | 152 |
Hillmen ** | 163 | 80 | 85 | 155 |
* A minimum expansion of 5cms in chest is essential
** For Garhwalis, Gorkhas, Kumaonese, Dogras, Marathas; persons hailing
from Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Ladakh, Kashmir Valley and North Eastern
states subject to production of domicile certificate from the District
magistrate/ SDM/ Tehsildar and other categories specified by Govt. from
time to time.
Those who qualifies both in PET event and in physical measurement will be recorded as 'PASS' in the PET sheet and they have to appear for the written examination.
Written Examination
The written examination shall be on OMR based Answer Sheets which will comprise of 120 multiple choice objective type questions of one mark each. The test will be of 90 minutes duration. The question paper will be of matriculation standard .The question paper will consist of 35 questions on General Intelligence & Reasoning, 35 questions on Arithmetic and 50 questions on General Awareness. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 (one) mark and 1(one) mark will be deducted for 4 (four) incorrect answers. No marks shall be awarded or deducted for questions not attempted.
A candidate must obtain atleast 35% marks (30% in case of SC/ST candidates) in the written examination for being considered for other test (s).
For the constable recruitment Trade Test will be conducted in respective categories. The Trade Test will consist of 50 marks. The Trade Test is purely qualifying in nature and Candidates will have to secure minimum 50% marks to qualify the Trade Test. Marks obtained in Trade Test will not be added to the written examination marks for preparation of final list of selected candidates.
Document Verification
Only the applicants who qualify in the Written Examination, PMT/PET and Trade Test will be called for document verification. The candidates must produce all original documents in support of their educational qualification, Age, SC/ST/OBC status wherever applicable on the format prescribed in the advertisement; domicile and any other extra curricular activities including NCC at the time of document verification .Request for production of the original documents on a later date will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Bonus Marks (maximum 5 marks)
Bonus marks are allotted as under:
(i) NCC
B Certificate of NCC-01 Mark
C Certificate of NCC-02 Marks
Maximum Marks for NCC certificate is 02.
Benefit is available only on production of Original Certificate .This
benefit is not available to Ex-servicemen.
(ii) Sports :
Represented University at inter university sports: 01 Marks
Represented State at interstate sports: 2 marks
Represented India at international sports meet-03 Marks
Medal winner at national level sports meet- 03 Marks
(iii) Height: A male applicant whose height is 178 cms or more and a
female applicant whose height is 165 cms or more will be given 03 marks
as bonus.
(iv) Total bonus Marks for all categories put together shall not exceed
Medical Examination
The candidates who are finally selected will be sent for medical examination at a Railway Hospital. They have to qualify in Medical category ‘B-I’ as per Indian Railway Medical Manual. Those wearing glasses or having flat foot, knock knee, squint eye, colour blindness and other bodily defects are not eligible for appointment.
The candidates found fit after medical examination shall be directed to the concerned training centre decided by the Railway Administration in the event of their selection. The trainee recruits will be given a stipend plus other allowances as admissible under the Railway Rules during the period of training. Passing the Final Examination at the end of the training is a must.
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