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Indian Navy Officer : Recruitment

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Recruitment as an Officer in the Navy is carried out on the basis of All India Merit and are advertised through the Employment News and all important National and Regional news papers/dailies. The Commission in the Indian Navy is open to young men and women of the country. They have the option to join the Executive, Technical and Education Branches of the Indian Navy. 

There are two modes of induction in the Indian Navy viz. UPSC Entry and Non UPSC Entry

1. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Entries

UPSC holds a competitive examination for the entry into the National Defence Academy (NDA)/ Naval Academy (10+2) and Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), twice a year. The UPSC entries are Permanent Commission (PC) entries in which the UPSC conducts a written examination which is followed by an interview by the Service Selection Board (SSB). Result of qualified candidates is forwarded to UPSC for making the final merit. Medically fit candidates who are in the merit are appointed by ADG (Rtg) / IHQ of MoD (Navy).

Education qualification for UPSC entries are : 

  1. National Defence Academy (NDA) & Naval Academy Examination :
    Candidates who have completed 10+2 (PCM) Examination or in the 12th standard are eligible to appear in NDA examination. Successful candidates can join in the NDA or Naval Academy as Naval cadets.
    To know the eligibility, selection, application and Syllabus of the NDA exam in detail, Click here
  2. Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE) : 
    Graduates in any discipline are eligible to appear in the Combined Defence Services Examination. The degree should be recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Successful candidates join the Naval Academy for the Naval Orientation Course (NOC).
    To know the eligibility, selection, application and Syllabus of the CDSE exam in detail, Click here

2. Non UPSC Entries

The Non UPSC entries are both for Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). The duration of the Short Service Commission is 10 years, extendable to 14 years. There is no written examination for the Non-UPSC entries. In this case the applications are invited and short listed at Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (Navy) [IHQ of MoD (Navy)] on the basis of marks secured in the qualifying educational exams ie 10+2, Graduate or Post graduate. The short listed candidates are sent for SSB interviews. Thereafter, a merit list, comprising of qualified candidates, is prepared as per the availability of vacancies.

The non UPSC Entry schemes are :

10+2 (B Tech entry)

Under the scheme, candidates with 10 +2 (PCM) qualifications, after selection through the Services Selection Board, are sent to Naval Academy for the NOC. Thereafter, they undergo a four year Engineering course at INS Shivaji/ Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) for Naval Architecture. On successful completion of the course they are granted permanent commission in the Executive/ Marine/ Electrical/ Electronic Engineering/ Naval Architecture branch of Indian Navy.

University Entry Scheme (UES)

Final year engineering students are eligible for induction into the technical Branches/ Cadres of the navy. Naval selection teams from the IHQ of MoD (Navy) and Command Headquarters visit AICTE approved Engineering colleges across the country to shortlist the candidates. The short listed candidates, based on all India Merit, are called for interview at the Services Selection Board. The successful candidates, thereafter, are put through the medical tests. Final selection is based on all India merit on the basis of marks obtained in the SSB interviews.

Special Naval Architects Entry Scheme (SNAES)

Government has recently approved the induction of 45 Naval Architect officers into the Naval Architecture Cadre of the Engineering Branch of the Indian Navy, as Short Service Commission Officers, under a Special scheme of 'Special Naval Architects Entry Scheme' (SNAES). An empowered Naval team visits IIT Kharagpur, IIT Chennai, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) and Andhra University, where B Tech (Naval Architecture) course is conducted, to select the candidates through campus interviews. The selected candidates undergo medical examination at the nearest Military Hospital and if found fit, are selected for training.

Interview & Selection

The SSB selection consist of a 5 days testing schedule that has 5 stages. The following documents should be presented while attending SSB interviews. 

Stage I (Day 1) - Stage I selection system includes 

  1. Officer Intelligence Rating Test (OIRT).
  2. Picture Perception and Description Test (PDPT): 
    Picture is flashed for 30 Seconds. The candidate have to broadly note down seven basic parameters viz number of characters, age, sex, mood, action relating to past, present and future for each character in one minute.
  3. Discussion of the Picture - 30 Minutes. 
    In this phase batch is divided into different groups. Strength of group is around 15 candidates. Each candidate narrates his individual written story verbatim. Subsequently, in Part - II all the candidates have to come to discuss amongst themselves and achieve a common consensus about the characters and theme of the story. Once all candidates have undergone this stage the results for stage one testing are declared. Successful candidates are retained for stage - II testing and the balance are asked to leave after a short brief on general shortcomings.

Stage-II (Day -2) - In the IInd Stage, Psychological Tests are performed that includes : 

  1. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
    12 Pictures including one blank are shown for 30 sec each. Candidates are asked to write a story around what led to the situation? What is going on and what would be the outcome? Picture is shown for 30 seconds and they are asked to write it in 4 minutes. In the blank slide, they have to think a picture of their own choice and to write a story around that.
  2. Word Association Test (WAT)
    In this test, a series of 60 words are shown to the candidates one after another for 15 seconds each. The candidate is required to write down the first thought or idea comes to his mind.
  3. Situation Reaction Test (SRT)
    This test consists of 60 routine life situations regarding day to day activities. The situations are printed in a booklet and the candidate is asked to write his reactions by completing the sentences, as to how they would feel, think and act up these situations.
  4. Self Description-15 Mins.
    Candidate is asked to write five separate paragraphs on each context about the opinion of his parents/guardian, friends, teachers/ superiors.

Stage III (Day 3) - Stage III selection process includes : 

  1. Group Discussion
    Two topics of common interest (social issues and current events) are discussed. It is an informal discussion and not a debate. Each topic is allotted 20 minutes each. No definite conclusion is required to be deduced.
  2. Group Planning Exercise (GPE)
    It comprises of five stages viz, explanation of the model, reading of the narrative by GTO, five minutes for self reading by candidates, 10 minutes for individual written solutions and 20 minutes for group discussion. Narration of the group solution and definite conclusion is required.
  3. Progressive Group Tasks (PGT)
    It is the first outdoor task. A set of four obstacles with progressively increasing level of difficulties are to be completed in 40 to 50 minutes. Structures, helping material and load are provided to the group.
  4. Group Obstacle Race (GOR)
    In this task the group is pitched against each other over a set of six obstacles with a snake like load to carry.
  5. Half Group Task (HGT)
    It has one obstacle similar to progressive group task with helping material and load to be carried. Group is divided into two Sub Groups and assigned the same obstacle in turn in such a way that when one group is working, the other is not allowed to watch it. Time allotted to each sub group is 15 minutes.
  6. Lecturette
    It is an individual task and the candidate is required to give a short talk to the group. Three minutes are allowed to prepare any chosen topic from the four given in the Lecturette Cards for the talk.

Stage IV (Day 4) - Stage IV selection process includes : 

  1. Individual Obstacles
    A Set of 10 obstacles is set to be tackled individually. Obstacles are numbered from one to ten, denoting the points each one carries. Each individual will be given three minutes.
  2. Command Task
    Each individual is nominated as commander for one task consisting of one obstacle similar to the Progressive Group Task Time given is 15 minutes.
  3. Final Group Task
    Task consisting of one obstacle similar to the progressive group task. Time given to complete this task is 15-20 minutes.

Personal interviews are conducted by Interviewing Officer (IO) from Day 2 to Day 4

Stage V (Day 5) - Stage V includes : 

  1. Closing address by Deputy President of the Board
  2. Conference
  3. Announcement of results
  4. Dispersal

The candidates recommended by Service Selection Board (SSB) has to undergo a medical examination at nearest Service Hospitals. The medical examination procedure for candidates is as follow : 

  •  Special Medical Board (SMB)
Special Medical Board (SMB) of officer candidates will be held at designated hospitals over duration of five to six days. Candidates will be declared Fit/ Temporary Unfit or Permanent Unfit. Candidates declared Temporary Unfit are to report back to the hospital for examination after the specified time. Candidates who still do not qualify will be declared Permanent Unfit.
  •  Appeal Medical Board (AMB)
Candidates who are declared Permanent Unfit by Special Medical Board are eligible for Appeal Medical Board after depositing a sum of a requisite amount in the Government Treasury. No fees will be charged from Temporarily Unfit candidates. Unfit candidates get a maximum of 42 days to report for AMB at designated Command Hospital. Candidates declared unfit by Appeal Medical Board are eligible to appeal for Review Medical Board.
  •  Review Medical Board (RMB)
The President of Appeal Medical Board will intimate the candidate, the reason of his/ her unfitness through a leaflet and guide him / her for Review Medical Board. However, he will explain to the candidate that holding of the Review Medical Board is at the discretion of DGMS(Navy) and DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and it is not his/her right. RMBs are conducted at Army Research & Referral Hospital Delhi and Armed Force Medical College Pune.

The selected Officer candidates, inducted into the Indian Navy under various schemes are given basic training at Naval Academy Ezhimala (NAVAC). The period of initial training for cadet entry and direct entry graduate candidates is 4 years and 22 weeks respectively. Branch specific training is subsequently imparted at other naval establishments.

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